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HeroesTD is a strategy game in which users have such a variety of ways to build and develop Heroes in order to best fit with the squad you are holding to achieve Victory. Below are some recommendations of experienced users for you to take reference of how to optimize the strength of Balthazar. If you have better ways to build Karla, please do not hesitate to share with us and other users for better game playing and earning.

As a Hero who possesses an extremely effective support Physical Attack Skill, Karla is obviously a Hero specializing in Tower Defense. So the items that help Karla to increase the amount of Physical Damage and Attack Speed will be what Karla needs the most.
Karla is a main Physical Damage Hero, so equipment that increases Physical Damage and Attack Speed will need to be prioritized for this Hero.
Set 1: Bone Crusher – Destiny Blade – Alphatic Firepower

Set 2: Bone Crusher – Restorer – Alphatic Firepower

Set 3: Destiny Blade – Destiny Blade – Alphatic Firepower

Since Karla is a Hero that specializes in defensing, Runes that increase her ability to deal damage should be a priority.
Set 1: Apprentice’s stone – Hunter’s Treasure – Multishot Rune

Set 2: Apprentice’s stone – Multishot Rune – Talisman of Demolition

Set 3: Ancestor’s Relic – Hunter’s Treasure – Multishot Rune

Completely attacking classes like Assassin – Slayer – Warlord – Duelist will need to be prioritized for this Hero, helping Karla to kill the most targets in the shortest time. In addition, you can also use Class Fortune to bring something new, you will not regret about it.
- Optimized: Assassin – Slayer – Hunter – Warlord

- Alternative: Duelist – Fortune

As a Hero specializing in defense, Karla’s siege ability is only average. So, you can optimize Karla’s Origin by giving Karla the Origins of your teammates, thereby optimizing the ability of the whole squad.
- Optimized: Origins that resemble allied Heroes
- Alternative: Origins that resemble allied Heroes
You should equip Karla with a Target Type Front to optimize Damage