Along with technological innovation, the gaming industry is constantly reaching new highs. With the desire to create an appealing playground for both gaming and crypto enthusiasts to entertain and gain profits, an NFT collectible tower defense strategy game has been invented – known as Heroes TD
HeroesTD is a 3D Tower Defense GameFi where players summon Heroes to Defense their Troops and Attack the Enemy Troops at the same time. HTD and CGC are the main tokens used for all ingame activities and the Marketplace. Players can make use of HTD and CGC to further improve their decks, participate in high-level games, and become the best player.
To vote for HeroesTD:
📌Step 1: Log in (or sign up if you do not have any Kickstarter account)
📌Step 2: Select “Back this project” to vote for HeroesTD

Pledge S$ 15 (about US$ 11) or more – Junior Fighter
Back it because you believe in it. Support the project for no reward, just because it speaks to you.
Pledge S$ 40 (about US$ 30) or more – Senior Fighter
- Personal thank-you email from the team
- Digital Wallpaper
Pledge S$ 70 (about US$ 52) or more – The Master
Receive a private access for HeroesTD as soon as it’s released, and have your name added to the Beta Credits.
- Personal thank-you email from the team
- Beta Access
- Beta Credits
- Digital Wallpaper
Pledge S$ 135 (about US$ 99) or more – The Captain
Receive a private access for HeroesTD as soon as it’s released, and have your name added to the Beta Credits. Enjoy bonus game products.
- Personal thank-you email from the team
- Beta Access
- Beta Credits
- Digital Wallpaper
- Digital Animated Card
- Digital Soundtrack
Pledge S$ 200 (about US$ 147) or more – The General
Receive a private access for HeroesTD as soon as it’s released, and have your name added to the Game Credits. Enjoy bonus game products.
- Personal thank-you email from the team
- Beta Access
- Beta Credits
- Digital Wallpaper
- Digital Animated Card
- Digital Soundtrack
- Digital Artbook
- Discord Role
- Special In-Game Credits
Pledge S$ 270 (about US$ 198) or more – War Lord
Receive a private access for HeroesTD as soon as it’s released, and have your name added to the Game Credits. Enjoy bonus game products.
- Personal thank-you email from the team
- Beta Access
- Beta Credits
- Digital Wallpaper
- Digital Animated
- Digital Artbook
- Digital Soundtrack
- Discord Role
- Secial In-Game Credits
- Legendary Box, which open SSR Heroes